Produse pentru hering sferic pentru sushi (3)



Seafood from Norway The country of origin mark “Seafood from Norway” is a symbol of origin and quality for all Norwegian seafood, and gives associations to the unique natural conditions in which our seafood is raised
Somon - Somon de vânzare

Somon - Somon de vânzare

Dette er et produkt du vil be om ved servicedisken til fiskeseksjonen i dagligvarebutikken din. Atlantisk laks er deilig fersksaltet, kokt, stekt, grillet eller gratinert. Den er også veldig god i en suppe eller en lapskaus. Ikke tilsatt salt. Saltinnholdet i produktet består av naturlig forekommende natrium.
fileuri și mușchi de cod congelate - fileuri și mușchi de cod norvegian congelate

fileuri și mușchi de cod congelate - fileuri și mușchi de cod norvegian congelate

SPECIES: Gadus morhua – Atlantic cod FAMILY: Gadidae – Cod family PRODUCTS: Fresh (fillet and whole), Frozen (fillet and whole), Salted (pieces, fillet and whole), Salted and dried (pieces, fillet and whole), Dried (pieces, fillet and whole) SIZE: Coastal cod: maximum 130 cm and 40 kg. North East Arctic cod: maximum 169 cm and 55 kg RANGE: Coastal cod: fjords and coastal areas North East Arctic cod: feeding area in the Barents Sea, spawning area from Finnmark to Stad with the most important spawning grounds off Lofoten SEASON: The fishery takes place the entire year but has a seasonal halt from January to April (Skrei fishery/Lofoten fishery).